About Susannah Dainow

Susannah Dainow

Susannah Dainow (she/they) is an award-winning writer who has also worked as a public interest lawyer in Toronto / Tkaronto. She is a recipient of a 2024 Hadassah-Brandeis Institute Research Award from Brandeis University for her work on the poetry manuscript, “Mezuzot.” They have also published poetry in journals including Acta Victoriana, Misunderstandings Magazine, Hart House Review, and the upcoming anthology Thriving. Their poetry can be found in the American Jewish Historical Society archives and the Riot Grrrrl Collection at Fales Library, New York University.

Dainow has published essays in Ms., and the dearly departed feminist forums The Toast and Bitch, and is an ongoing contributor of personal essays to the international news outlet, the Times of Israel. She has received funding for a workshop intensive at the Community of Writers and a residency at the Vermont Studio Center. Last spring, they were the inaugural Jennifer Egan Fellow at the Mesa Refuge writing residency. She has won the Hamilton Grit Lit festival fiction prize and has received an Honorable Mention for short fiction in Glimmer Train. Currently, they are a creative nonfiction reader for the literary journal, Identity Theory.

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